Load :- When we save the record in the database through DataRaptor, it is called load.
In this post, we will load an account with related contacts as children in a single DataRaptor.
Step:– 1 “We create a LoadDataRaptor in the DataRaptor section.”
Step :–2 “Select an object in the Object Section to determine where the record is being saved..
— Click on the ‘Add Object‘ button and select ‘Contact.’
— Click on ‘Add Link‘ and select ‘Account,’ filling in the details as shown in the image below. (To establish a relationship binding the Account with the Contact as a child)”.
Step :– 3 “Here, we map all the fields that we want to load into the database.”
/* Json for input field mapping , if we put this
json in preview tab it will map the fieldsto save .*/
"Name": "Demo",
"Phone": "12121",
"Contacts": {
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": " Child",
"Phone": "398432"
Step :–4 “Copy and paste the above JSON into the Preview Section. Click on the Preview tab, then click on ‘Execute.’ You will obtain the ‘Account’ and ‘Contact’ IDs. Check to ensure it works.”