How to use Tansform DataRaptor

How to use Tansform DataRaptor in One Object to Multiple SObject Information.

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Now we go to the Transform Tab and click on the Plus(+) icon.

then go to the Output JSON Path and type User:FirstName .(to fetch the fields of an object, use : ). And type FirstName in the Input JSON Path.

Similarly we add more fields of the User (LastName,Email,Username).

Salesforce guide ==

Now we Transform Parent to Child now we type Account:Contact:FirstName in the Output JSON Path and type FirstName in the Input JSON Path.

Similarly, we add more fields of the Contact records (LastName, Email, State, Street).

Now we take the Account records so type the Account:Name in the Output JSON Path and type Name in the Input JSON Path.

Similarly we add more fields of the Account(website, state, street).

Click on Preview Tab and write down in input json 

{  “FirstName”: “My”,  “LastName”: “Maurya0”,  “Email”: “”,  “Street”: “Mau”,  “State”: “UP”,  “Name”: “ABC”,  “Website”: “”,  “Username”: “”}then CLICK Execute Buttom.So Output results SHOW.(according my input json)

I hope you understand how to transform dataraptor in Omniscript for Salesforce.

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