TypeAhead Block in Omniscript.(Salesforce/Vlocity / OmniStudio)

Type Ahead Block is an auto-complete feature. Once configured, it retrieves data and displays it in a dropdown list as the user types. Let us take an example to explain it.

Example:- Here we create an omniscript  and  when user type any Account name  it starts giving suggestion .


Step:-1  Create an omniscript  and  Drag a TypeAhead , text field ,

 Extract dataraptor in it,and name every component.

Create a dataraptor to extract data from the database.


Click on dataraptor  and go to input Parametere  and fill the TypeAhead Name 

 ” TypeAhead1 “ in the datasource and fill a filter value to send the node” ” to dataraptor to search record.

send filter value to DR

Step :-2  Open previously created  dataraptor ,and map those fields what you want . 

 Here we map name and Id .

 Preview dataraptor and take the Node in which the data is coming and you want to show .Here we want to show name so we take Name ,Fill the “Name” in the TypeAhead key box .

Send to DR

Step :-3  Preview omniscript  to test the functionality.

  Enter the name that is in the Account or database .

  Results are in below image , it helps in searching records in omniscript

TypeAhead Test
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